Fáilte Ireland (Strategic Partner)

Fáilte Ireland is the National Tourism Development Authority, established by the Government in May 2003 to guide and promote the evolution of tourism as a leading indigenous component of the Irish economy. To this end, Fáilte Ireland, working in partnership with the tourism industry, provides an extensive range of support services and business solutions designed specifically to develop and sustain Ireland as a high-quality and competitive tourism destination capable of sustainable, profitable and spatially balanced growth.

Fáilte Ireland operates at three distinct but interdependent levels:

  • At the level of the industry: guiding and supporting the development of world-class tourism products and services.
  • At the level of the enterprise: fostering an internationally competitive tourism enterprise base.
  • In the policy domain: actively promoting and advocating a public policy environment conducive to tourism growth.

Fáilte Ireland’s corporate Strategy and current operational plans provide details of the range of supports and services available to the Irish tourism industry.

Jenny De Saulles
Director of Sector Development

Jenny De Saulles, Director of Sector Development in Fáilte Ireland, is an Associate Member on the ITIC Council.