Tourism Ireland (Strategic Partner)

Tourism Ireland is responsible for marketing the island of Ireland overseas as a premier tourist destination.

Tourism Ireland was established under the framework of the Belfast Agreement of Good Friday 1998. It is jointly funded by the Irish and British Governments and is accountable to the North South Ministerial Council.

The organisation has the twin goals of promoting increased tourism to the island of Ireland and of supporting the tourism industry in Northern Ireland to reach its full potential.

Tourism Ireland engages in strategic destination marketing on a worldwide basis to achieve these goals. The organisation also influences product quality and service by providing intelligence from its research into consumer and industry trends in overseas markets.

Tourism Ireland has representation in 25 locations throughout the world. Its website is; there are 35 different sites available in 14 languages in 27 countries. Within Ireland Tourism Ireland has offices in Dublin and Coleraine.

Shane Clarke
Director of Corporate Services & Policy

Shane Clarke is Director of Corporate Services & Policy for Tourism Ireland and is an Associate Member on the ITIC Council.