The decision by the UK to leave the EU as a result of the Brexit vote in 2016 has created challenges for Irish tourism.
ITIC has published a number of Brexit bulletins since the Brexit vote about the unique implications and challenges faced by Irish tourism.
Brexit Bulletin – Deal or No Deal?
25 July 2018
With the UK set to exit the EU in only 8 months time, worries about a hard ‘no deal’ Brexit are becoming a real concern. The Irish Tourism Industry Confederation (ITIC) continues its analysis of latest developments.
This Brexit update assesses the impact to date of Brexit on the tourism and hospitality sector and the likely cost of a no deal Brexit to Ireland’s largest indigenous industry.
Irish Tourism’s Brexit Challenge Continues
02 November 2017
Irish tourism’s Brexit problem shows no sign of abating. Despite strong growth from other markets, visitor numbers from Britain are down 7% for the year to date which equates to over 200,000 fewer Britons coming to Ireland so far in 2017 over 2016.
As sterling weakens and UK consumer confidence wobbles, British visitors to Ireland have been in decline for 7 of the last 8 months but more worrying again, Ireland is losing market share as Britons choose to holiday abroad elsewhere.
This update continues ITIC’s analysis of Brexit’s impact on Ireland’s largest indigenous sector.
Impacting Irish Tourism
10 July 2017
Brexit represents the biggest challenge to Irish tourism since the global economic recession. Ireland’s largest indigenous industry, employing 230,000 people throughout the country, is very exposed to Brexit and already the impact is being felt with visitors from the UK down 7% year-to-date. The Irish Tourism Industry Confederation (ITIC) renews its call for urgent Government attention to help the sector minimise and mitigate the impacts of Brexit which ITIC estimates will cost the industry at least €100 million this year.
Our latest Brexit bulletin highlights the importance of the UK market to Irish tourism, what parts of the country the downturn will be felt in, how other sectors are being supported, and key tourism priorities that need to be addressed in a new EU-UK deal.
Brexit & Irish Tourism – A Call for Action
07 March 2017
Irish tourism has performed extremely well in recent years. However, as always the sector is vulnerable to external international factors and Brexit – the UK’s decision to exit the EU – poses the biggest challenge to Irish tourism since the global economic recession of 2008.
With the UK about to trigger Article 50 and commence exit negotiations, the Irish Tourist Industry Confederation (ITIC) has just published a report outlining what needs to be done by Government and tourism agencies to minimise the impact of a hard Brexit for Ireland’s largest indigenous sectoral employer.

Brexit & Irish Tourism: The Evolving Situation
26 October 2016
Now that UK Prime Minister Theresa May has signalled that the triggering of Article 50 – the instruction for the UK to commence exit negotiations from the EU – will commence in March of 2017 it is an opportune time for the Irish tourism industry to consider the ongoing implications of Brexit.
Visitor numbers from Great Britain into Ireland have yet to be seriously impacted since the Brexit vote of June 23rd – perhaps a sign that travel arrangements were made prior to the Brexit vote – but there is already anecdotal evidence of reduced expenditure by those same British visitors when in Ireland who are feeling the pinch of sterling’s sharp depreciation.
Brexit & Implications for Irish Tourism: Briefing Paper
02 March 2016
UK voters are set to go to the polls on June 23rd for an “in/out” referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU.
The referendum known as Brexit – an abbreviation of “British Exit” – could have far-reaching consequences if passed. As tourism is a key component of our relationship with the UK, our biggest single source market, it is important that any implications for Ireland’s tourism industry of a possible Brexit are considered.